Textbook Recommendations

For the main fields of physics encountered in graduate school, there are well-established textbooks. Most of these books I have found quite unsatisfying on their own, and so I’ve compiled a list of all of the standard textbooks I’ve come across and any additional books which I felt helped me understand the material better. Many of the texts I used in my undergraduate courses ended up serving me quite well in graduate school.  In addition, I’ve provided some resources for students interested in learning quantum field theory, since it can prove quite intimidating to beginners.


Classical Mechanics

Standard: Classical Mechanics by Goldstein

Supplementary: Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems by Thornton & Marion


Additional Resources: Youtube lectures on Classical Mechanics



Standard: Classical Electrodynamics by Jackson

Supplementary: Modern Electrodynamics by Zangwill


Honorable Mention: Introduction to Electrodynamics by Griffiths can still do wonders at the graduate level.


Quantum Mechanics

Standard: Modern Quantum Mechanics by Sakurai & Napolitano

Supplementary: A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics by Townsend


*A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics by Townsend is one of the best textbooks that I have ever used. I highly recommend it for anyone who’s interested in the quantum mechanics.


Thermodynamics/Statistical Mechanics

Standard: Statistical Mechanics by Pathria

Supplementary: Thermal Physics by Schroeder


Quantum Field Theory

I’ve spent many hours searching for the best way to learn quantum field theory, as it’s a subject I’m very passionate about. Fortunately, I’ve stumbled across some great resources for anyone who was in my position when I started: a solid understanding of quantum mechanics, some special relativity with four-vector notation, a taste of field theory from a course on general relativity, and no real knowledge of QFT. As with anything in physics, the best way to learn a subject is to do problems. I highly recommend working through the problems in these books as you read them.


Introductory Level:

David Tong’s lectures on Quantum Field Theory


More Advanced Level: