
My name is Zach, and I’m a sixth-year physics Ph.D. student at the University of Connecticut. I graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in Troy, NY in 2018 with a B.S. and M.S. in physics. I’m currently pursuing research in theoretical physics with Gerald Dunne. Specifically, I’m interested in studying perturbative expansions in quantum field theory and their connection to non-perturbative physics through Γ‰calle’s theory of resurgence.

This website will serve as a collection of my personally worked-out textbook solutions I’ve compiled over the years, as well as book recommendations, my research and teaching experiences, and other things that I enjoy.

Graduate school is a challenging environment. So for anyone who comes across this site, I hope that these resources can help you in much the same way that I benefited from the material of those who came before me. In this way, I hope that we can continuously improve the graduate experience for years to come.

Contact Me

Address: Department of Physics
Storrs, CT 06269


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